Monday 7 December 2015

Water Pollution, a real view to please

Water is the main component for life as we know it. We all need this fluid to function and live a full life. When we go for a day out for fun in the sun, there is usually water involved.

When you go to your local lake for a day of fishing or boating, the least thought about issue on your mind is the containers that you bring your drinks or food in and what will happen to them once you emptied the content. Where will you discard your waste after your day of fun. Your last worry is cleaning your boat or your fishing tackle of the dirty water that the equipment came in contact with.

But you did place those empty containers in a bin that are provided, yes? But those bins were so full that people started putting their waste next to the bin hoping that somebody else would clear the waste away. But instead, the wind blew some of the waste into the water due to the fact that the waste was not contained for collection.

 Wast from weekends n the sun that get into the waterways collect in the water and those that do not sink out of sight is at the mercy of the prevailing wind. At some place on the waters edge all the floating debris collect and make for an unsightly scene.

Now this becomes every bodies problem. The water is becoming foul from the residue left in the containers.

 If nobody decide to take action and help to clean up other peoples messes, the waste start to break down in the water due to the chemical reaction of the container material with the water helped by the sun shining down. Unwanted chemicals get released into the water that can adversely affect the lives of the marine fauna and flora.

Animal life is effected greatly by the changes in the chemical composition in the water. In many cases the chemicals released by these containers are toxic to the fish and when concentrations are high enough, will kill most of the fish in the water.

Other forms of pollution also reach dams and lakes. These pollutants are brought from up-stream with the rivers and streams that feed the dam or lake. Most of these pollutants are manufacturing discharge, some are from the agricultural sector and do not forget the discharge from sewage plants.

These sewage plants treat the water before it gets discharged back into the environment, but in some cases the treatment process eliminate some bacteria but introduce other harmful chemicals.

I have seen cases where a plant has been so overwhelmed by the amount of sewage directed at it from a nearby city, that some of the waste gets dumped directly untreated into a local river.

The discharge directly into the river caused the deaths of a lot of fish and pollution from other things that people flush down their toilets that should not be there.

Then there are the agricultural contribution to the pollution. Most commercial farmers use chemicals to accelerate growth of their crops and to keep pests away. These chemicals are usually full of nitrates that accelerate the growth af toxic algae in the dams. Usually these toxic algae is kept under control in a natural way, but with the introduction of these extra nitrates in the water, the growth can not be curbed and it grows out of control suffocating the animal and plant life that exist.

Think before polluting.

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