Thursday 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2016

Christmas and the holiday season is upon us. Celebrations are abound, but hold in mind the animals and the environment during this time.

We are spending time with family and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ during this time.
But with New Years cerebration approaching at a rapid pace, please, please do not use crackers or fireworks during this time. These devices contribute a lot to animals being frightened to death because of the sudden explosions and it contributes to noise pollution.
Animals hearing is a lot more sensitive to sound than ours. They need their hearing to find food and avoid danger from other predators.
Just take the explosion of one fire work, the sound is loud to us and our hearing is not as affected by the noise. Now multiply that sound by 50 or even a 100 and this is what the poor animals need to deal with. Frightened out of their wits, they try to get away from the noise source. That is when, especially dogs break out of their enclosures to seek a safe and quieter environment. Many animals are injured during this time because of the panic this creates. On the first morning of every new year, the streets are teaming with dogs that escaped their enclosures roaming aimlessly around. Many of them lost as they ran so far from their homes.
Be considerate during this time, not only to other people, but to our fury friends also. They protect us and are our friends.

I wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year.
With all my love
Ewan van Breda

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