Friday 4 March 2016

Animals - Their importance to humans.

When you look outside your window in the morning with a cup of something hot in the morning, what do you see and hear if you live in the suburbs?
Most of the time it is children and dogs that you hear and see. Sometimes you would even hear the birds in the trees during the warmer months. But what does this have to do with why animals are important you might ask?

Well it all comes down to history. In the early days of human history, man hunted the animals that roamed free for food and clothing. Man also used the animal bones as early tools to make things that were useful for themselves as well as adornments for their bodies.
As man was nomadic and traveled after the animals in order to provide food, they were never long enough to grow any of their own crops to sustain them in the months while the animals were not around. In some instances man befriended wolves in a mutually beneficial relationship.

This might have been the first domestication of wild animals that we know about. Since those times, man learned to domesticate other animals like sheep and cattle to provide a constant source of food one man settled down in a specific area and learned to grow their own crops.

Since those times humans developed new technologies that do not require the use of animals for growing crops and transport. Now days they are only seen to provide food and companionship. But they still have an important role to play in our modern society.

Dogs, cats and horses still have a place with humans. We created this bond between man and animal for mutual benefit and although in many cases we do not use them in the fashion that they were domesticated early on, they still provide a vital function in our lives.

Dogs provide companionship and are also a security measure. Dogs are also the only animal that is willing to put his own life in jeopardy for the sake of a human life. Is that not worthy of human love, care and protection.

Cats help to keep rodents and other small animal numbers under control. These rodents, because of all the waste that we produce help to recycle nutrients back into nature that would have otherwise gone into landfills. Without being controlled by cats and other animals, their numbers would get out of control and overrun the human population. Some of these rodents also carry diseases that are transferable to humans. Some of these diseases have the capability of wiping the human race off the face of the earth.

With the help of animals, humans managed to develop as a race to get to where we are today, so please do not forget to take care of your companion animals. They are not there to be abused nor are they there just for entertainment. We are not entitled to mistreat animals, they helped us when we needed them, we must be willing to reciprocate by being there for them when they need us.

Have a great day.

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