Wednesday 4 November 2015

River pollution

It is so easy to discard your chip wrapper on the ground and expect somebody else to pick it up.
You might say to yourself you are creating a job for a street cleaner, but you are fooling nobody.
Your little wrapper with the wrappers from millions of other people around the world land daily in the river systems.
These wrappers are usually made from petroleum based products that take ages to degrade. Some of the wrappers are lined with aluminium, and the chance of aluminium degrading is basically zero.
Many other products land up in the rivers daily including cool-drink bottles, food cans, oil bottles, plastic bags and so on. These pollutants pile up and become very unsightly to say the least.
When a storm break along the flow of the stream, all this rubbish is washed downstream and eventually land up in the ocean where the plastics pose a real threat to the animals living in the sea.
But these are not the only pollutants landing in the streams and rivers.
There are any chemicals spilled by accident in rivers. But most of these chemical pollutants are dumped into rivers on purpose. Many factories situated close to rivers use the river water to cool or flush their machinery. Once the cooling or flushing is done, the water is then returned to the river. But care is not taken to remove the toxic pollutants from the returning water. Some of these pollutants can have deadly affects on the aquatic fauna and flora.
Some of the pollutants that have a big effect on the Aqua Flora comes from the agricultural sector. Pesticides and fertilizers that are not absorbed by the plants flow into the ground water and also end up in rivers and the ocean. These can have effects beyond what we realize. Some of these chemicals are short lived and others stay in the system for years. Some of these chemicals accumulate in living organisms and become more concentrated the higher up the food chain. It becomes lethal at some stage and will kill the predator at the top of the food chain.
Governments have regulations in place to prevent some of the toxins from getting into the water systems, The problem is not the laws, it is enforcing those laws against pollution.
What is your view on the state of the planet regarding pollution?

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